Tuesday, January 31, 2012

my feet are always cold

haha i'm not even kidding.  they are cold like right now.  My best friend has become so accustomed to this that he doesn't even make fun of the fact that I am normally wearing two pairs of socks, one of which is usually strawberry shortcake with those little rubber things on the bottom that keep you from slipping :).  But I'm not kidding when I say my feet being cold really affects me.  If I don't put that extra pair of socks on, sometimes I'll lay in bed for like an hour not being able to fall asleep.  Then I'll get up, put a thick pair on, and immediately dose off.  Is that crazy?  I don't know, but I really like my feet to be warm haha.
Well on another note....I happen to have one of my old friends from high school in my women's history class!! It's great because she wasn't one of those friends that you stop talking to not because you got in a fight or something but just because it happened.  It so great to talk to her.  Although, I will admit that I am a little jealous of her.  Today she was talking to me about how she was moving all day.  Into her own apartment!!! Gosh the freedom.  well not really the freedom, but the independence.  Boy do I crave the feeling of being out on my own way too much.  I can't wait to one day be able to decorate a place to my liking, organize it the way I want it, buy plates and cups and cooking utensils (probably the best part), and going grocery shopping.  One day I will consider those tasks annoying along with doing the dishes, cleaning, having to pay bills and stuff, but for now that's all I can think about wanting.  haha but anyways I told her this and she promised to invite me over as soon as she is settled in.  I'm very proud of her.  She's doing this all on her own (well she will live there with her boyfriend) and that's exactly what I want to do. 

Um well I miss Disneyland if that's anything new.  I spend most my time sleeping, also not new.  I have a pimple on my ear.  Haha you probably didn't want to know that but it hurts.  Oh and I'm dreading the coming of valentine's day.  I feel like I always do.  Mostly because, somehow, all the bad moments in my romantic life happened around that day.  This year that's impossible because I have no romantic life!! yay!!
oh i've been reading this book: Chicken Soup for the soul, Find Your Happiness.  I really find it inspirational.

That's all for today, I didn't really have anything deep to talk about....
Off to read myself to sleep!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ok, it's been awhile, I suck, haha :)

Alright so I haven't posted anything in awhile.  I guess I just haven't had much to write.  On the other hand, it's like I have tons to write about but don't want to talk about it.  What a dilemna!! So how bout we just do a little review on my life.  Sound good?
So today I really started working on my online classes.  Only three of them have started.  The other one starts in February.  Yesterday, all the work I did on them was log in and make sure I did whatever introductory assignments the teachers posted so that I wouldn't be dropped from the classes, haha.  On the topic of introductory assignments, in my Business 1B class, which is accounting, we had to answer 7 questions about ourselves.  I did this a couple days before the start of class because I happened to log on early.  Well yesterday when I went through all the syllabuses and stuff, I noticed that I got a 0 out of 10 on that assignment!!!  Can you believe that?  An assignment on myself?!  So I went to check the review of it to see why.  I thought maybe the teacher was mad that I didn't use complete sentences (I tend not to do that no matter how many teachers have tried to beat that out of me.  HELLO! my mind is moving way to fast to think in complete sentences!! i'm smart! duh! haha jk)  But I checked and, amazingly, I must have thought this teacher might want to see complete sentences so I actually did that.  So now I don't know how I got a stupid 0 on that assignment.  But I'm gonna let time pass to see if it changes.  If not I will be messaging that stupid teacher asking why he thinks I don't know myself!!!
Alright, I'll move on now, haha.  So I finished one english assignment today (it's going to be a heavy class, I've got to start working on it like nonstop) and put everything in word that I want to print out.  That's my new strategy for online classes, print everything out, that way when I'm getting ready for work I can't complain that I don't want to turn my computer on to check the due date for something, I'll just flip through a binder.  But I've also adopted my dad's strategy of logging on everyday so that I don't miss anything.  Because believe it or not, one of my teachers is mean enough to actually have pop quizzes for an online class, unannounced!.  sucks for the people who only log in right before a due date cuz I will not be stuck in that boat of missing those quizzes.
My only in-class starts monday, I'm kind of excited, I could use some socialization. Like bad.  I can't remember the last time I actually spent time with someone my age other than my best friend Irving.  And I don't even see him that often anymore.  I'm starving for some friendly interaction.  I need a party to go to!!!!
Other than that, I mostly just sit around watching netflix on my xbox, or reading, and going to work.  Oh did I mention I sleep alot?  Like all the time haha.  Anyways, that's all I have to say for now.  I will be writing more, sorry for the long period between this post and the last one.:(