Saturday, June 23, 2012

Wow!!! What a ride!!!

Well im on the bus home right now and got inspiration to finally write about my time here!! Haha my inspiration came from the fact that here i am about to get on the bus at Hollywood Studios, and off the bus comes my roommate. I was on my way home from work and she was on her way in. Thats the silly stuff that happens here in the Disney College Program. Another thing like that happened just this morning. I got on the bus at Chatham Square (another apartment complex) because i slept over at a friends, when the bus got to Vista Way one of my roommates got on!! Now this doesnt happen often for most cps, im just lucky to have two other roommates who work in the same park as me :) but let me pause to start from the begining:
I arrived in Florida may 14. It was extremely humid and it rained. The next day me and my dad went to magic kingdom and i was pleased to see that my dad could enjoy disney. He loved magic kingdom and said he couldnt wait to take his family there. My greatest memory of that day was when we walked out of Mickeys Philharmonic show and my dad was just like that was amazing!!! I dont know how they did that!! Disney can even amaze adults :)
On wednesday i woke up early and went to checkin where i met my roommates. We got the best apartment. Its not in the front but its super close to the front, the bus stop, both pools, clubhouse, mailroom, and its on the third floor so our living room has vaulted ceilings and a beautiful bay window. Already two of my roommates are gone. The first one left because she went to security to try and get me and another roommate termed. They sent us to a housing meeting and there they decided she would be better off in a different apartment.  Two days later we got a roommate from england, Carolyn. Shes great and is my actual roommate. Not long ago, another roommate of mine got termed for work-related issues. The next day we got another roommate who was already on the program she was just moving apartments. Somehow none of this bothers me that much. I still feel settled in and at home.
Five days a week i don a sunflower apron and straw hat and jump on the E bus to Hollywood Studios where i work on Sunset Blvd. I work in six different locations and could be doing anything from scooping ice cream to selling frankfurters and sausages from inside a boat.  Sunset blvd is supposed to be a Farmers Market that thrived in L.A. during the fortys. It has some wartime touches since its hayday was during the world war.  We are the biggest quickservice area in all of Walt Disney World. Sometimes my job can be trying, but i have made great friends there and the days i get to wear the mickey hand and stand outside to greet the guests are the best. Ive even had people take my picture waving to them!!!!
My name has been a constamt topic of conversation. When your always meeting new people it tends to be. The first couple weeks here i kept hearing from people at work "oh so yoooouuuurrrr Canada." Haha makes you wonder.....sometimes, however i wear a nametag i picked up from costuming that says my name is "Sam". Its fun to wear that one :)
Playing in the parks is definetly the best part about this program. I love going into the parks and feeling like i have all the time in the world.  Hollywood Studios is definetly my favorite.
Well i cant think of anything else but if you want to know anything about my time here just comment below!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping us involved in your adventures! Love you!
