Wednesday, February 8, 2012

happiest place on earth or bust!!!

Well my phone interview is over!!!!
I think that it went great.  She asked me why I chose the program, which program I prefer and why, if I am receptive to the fall advantage program(going in may instead of august), what my top three roles are and why, if I have ever lived with roomates(put a positive spin on that one :)  ), if I have any visible tattoos, if I have a problem with the Disney Look, about my work experience, if I have a driver's license.
She told me that if I get accepted and pay the fee then the website opens up to me.  Information that no one else gets to see is all of a sudden there for me.  Like the roommate matcher, picking my arrival date, rules and regulations, all that fun stuff. she said if I don't get in to just keep applying till I do. (I'm hoping that's a good sign because she had no obligation to say that so she must have thought I had a good interview and deserve to be in the program, right?)  She said I would find out within two weeks (or less!!!!)

I am uberly excited.  uberly.  I can only hope that I conveyed the right personality and that my wide choice of roles will land me SOMETHING.  Now just to wait and keep busy.....this is going to be difficult.....anyone want to go to Disneyland for the next two weeks?  haha

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