Monday, February 6, 2012

Why Disney is Special To Me

I just read a new friends blog who is also applying to fall 2012 Disney College Program.  And I find it amazing that someone feels the same way about Disney as I do.  Now I've gone to Disneyland what seems like millions of times in my life and the first time she went was when she was seventeen so she can better recall her first trip.  But I can still tell you how I feel EVERY TIME I walk into the park. Alli, if you read this, it NEVER wears off.  That magic is always there.

When I go to Disneyland, no matter how excited and chatty I am in line, as soon as I scan my ticket, I am speechless.  I immediately want to run. Anywhere.  Because that's just it, anywhere is a good place to go in Disneyland.  It's nicknamed the happiest place on earth, but it is truly my happiest place on earth.  There is no where I would rather be.  I walk in and just want to take in the atmosphere, soak it in.  Disneyland is it's own world.  To me, I walk in and all my troubles fade away.  Even the times where I had a boyfriend nagging me or fighting with me over text messages, I was still happy.  To tell you the truth, half the time I forget to even check my phone while I'm there.  The sights, sounds, smells, they all surround you.  The way main street looks like it goes on forever and the buildings look super small because, just like Sleeping Beauty's castle, the bricks get smaller as they go up the building.  The ever present magic shop (even though magic tricks aren't in style anymore).  The window displays on the Emporium which are super old but never change.  The horse-drawn carriages and two-story busses.  These are all the things that welcome you to Disneyland.  

I haven't been truly happy for awhile.  But just the thought of a trip to Disney lifts my spirits for a little.  It's a place where nothing can go wrong.  Even my family gets along there.  I especially love seeing my little brothers and sisters faces as the magic of Disney hits them.  And I think there lies the real root of why I want to work for Disney so much.  I want to be apart of the place the makes every person happy.  That creates magic for children and the young at heart.

After all, "To all that come to this happy place: welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."

And that's just it.  Disney is special.  It creates something that no one else can touch.  It is at the head of many new things and recreates other things to make them infinitely better.  Working for them is my dream.  I want to get into this program so badly. Just so that my dreams can come true and I can use that happiness as pixie dust and make other peoples dreams come true.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this and got so happy! It is so cool to find people who understand the magic that truly exists at Disney- It is so much more than just an amusement park!
    I've got my fingers crossed for you!!
