Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Reflection On High School

One of the things I learned in high school was that everyone's main goal is to fit in.  Once they feel like they fit in, other goals start popping up.  Also, once they fit in, they tend to stay with that group of friends all through high school.  However, something must be wrong with me.  I felt like I fit in when I was a cheerleader, but then I started to feel like the girls were snotty, fake, materialistic, and way too argumentative.  So I decided I didn't like them anymore.  Then I felt like I really fit in with the choir group, but then when my teacher left, I no longer felt the same.  Now, I'm still not quite so sure where I fit in and am afraid that I will have to start all over again in college.  I'm really not good at making new friends.
Anyways, I remember having the notion that particular people were perfect.  They got good grades, didn't get in to trouble, were involved in many things, and had loving parents.  I always wondered how come my life didn't seem as easy as their's.  Towards the end of high school I just felt like an outsider who floated around not belonging anywhere.  This gave me the chance to observe and, yes, eavesdropped more.  What I learned was that the people who I had thought were perfect for so long, weren't.  They were more likely to be the ones partying EVERY weekend, getting drunk, doing drugs, and hooking up.  (You'd be surprised the things teenagers talk about in public when they think no one is listening.)  This realization completely turned my world upside down.  It didn't make any sense.  Here were people who, in my eyes, shouldn't be going anywere in life but they were going away to college.  And here was little old me, actually doing what I was supposed to be doing and somehow it wasn't enough.  I was staying behind in the fall.  And here's a fun fact:  my reputation from high school is slut, partyer, no-good.  Isn't that hilarious?  I'd like to no where they got that from.
I didn't belong in high school.  It just wasn't for me.  I remember going into high school and beeing so innocent.  I came out hardened with no hope for the future.  Why are we forced to go to a place that makes us feel that way?  Or it could just be me.  The one thing I will always remember from high school is how badly I wanted to get out.  I feel like that's all I ever want.  Is to get out.  But that's another story for another day.  One that will probably never be shared on here. 
That's all I have to say about high school.
Wait one more thing: it sucked.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Trip To San Francisco

So I had a wonderful staycation in San Francisco!!  I stayed at a hotel in South San Francisco near the airport.  Now here is where I start the story.  I made reservations for a Travelodge online.  When I got there they wouldn't let me check in!!! Because I'm not 18 years old.  So I'm upset right?  I went to the holiday inn express and the receptionist there told me I wasn't an adult.  Um really?  What am I then?  So I went to Best Western.  They were a little more sympathetic, but they have to follow policy.  I ended up at the Quality Inn where, thankfully, I am considered an adult.  I was talking to my friends and someone brought up the fact that it may be that way if a hotel has a mini bar in the room.  But I doubt that these hotels had that.  Anyway, I just thought it was ridiculous and it really upset me. 
Well, the next day I went into the city and went shopping at Haight Ashbury.  I had lunch at this little place called Panini and had an amazing panini.  Then I walked around and found a Betty Page store where I found the most amazing dress and pants that were on sale for 50% off!!  Then I found this consignment store called the Buffalo Exchange.  I bought an adorable corral pink dress and a blouse the same color for the pants that I bought at Betty Page.  I also got a really cute skirt that is cream colored with a navy blue design on it.  I kept walking along and found other store but was kind of done shopping.  So I ended my shopping trip by buying a pair of sunglasses and ducking into a small cafe to sit and figure out how to get back to the hotel.
On my way to Haight Ashbury I didn't exactly plan how I was going to get there very well.  All I did was find which BART station was closest and that happened to be 16th street which is in the middle of a scary neighborhood that I decided I was not going back to.  And I had to walk a mile and a half.  So on the way back I realize that you can hit this button on google maps which will give you "transit" directions.  Stupid me right?  So I figured out that I had to get on a bus and ride it to the Balboa park station.  I walk to the bus station and there's a little italian coffee shop right across the street that I noticed before but wasn't in the mood for.  I had about 4 minutes till the bus came so I rushed over there and was like "How fast can you make a hot chocoloate?"  The lady was extremely nice and fun and made my drink super quick, in just enought time for me to run across the street and catch the bus!!!  I rode the bus for 43 stops in which time I struck up a conversation with a really nice lady who over the course of our talk decided that I would really fit in in San Francisco. 
I really enjoyed that bus ride.  It felt like a sign telling me thats where I belong.  I really enjoyed that day because I explored.  I don't know it's hard to explain.
Anyway, I got off the bus and got on the BART back to the station I parked at and had pizza for dinner.  All in all a great trip that I will probably take again.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stupid Blockbuster #rant

So on Friday I rented "The Time Traveler's Wife" at blockbuster.  With my reciept I got a coupon for a free non-new release rental.  So today I go into blockbluster after work.   First, let me tell you that the lady working there tonight needs a lesson in Mickey D customer service.  The CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.  ugh!!! 
I get up to the register and I give her the movie with the coupon and we go through the checkout process, blah blah.  I notice that she is having a little trouble scanning the coupon, but I wait patiently.  Once she has it scanned, she tells me it has already been used.  I was responded, "No. That's impossible.  I just got it Friday and it's been sitting in my car ever since."  She starts to argue with me, "Ma'am, I'm sorry but the computer says it's been used so I can't help you."  Now I'm getting upset.  I know that I haven't used the coupon for gosh sakes!!!  So I ask her if the computer tells her what movie it was used on.  I'm curious what the stupid computer says.  She says that it was used on the 12th.  I say in a snotty tone, (I'm feeling smart, yes), "um that's today, you scanned the coupon a bunch of times, probably."  I've upset her, oh well.  She goes, "oh i was jumping ahead of myself, i scanned it and now it says its used so i was telling you that.  I didn't scan it too many times."  Whatever lady just give me my free non-new release movie. 
Now let's talk about how this would have been handled at my store.  First of all, if you don't want to deal with a customer, give them whatever they want.  I was renting sweeney todd.  This movie is old.  Just give it to me for free.  Ok so you have the time to deal with customer.  Never argue with the customer.  You need to investigate the situation completly and if the situation requires it, explain to the customer why it is they are wrong in a very polite manner.  If the customer refuses to be rational, then again you resort to giving the customer whatever they want.  This is how you keep customers coming back. 
What I would like to focus on is that the lady who was helping me did not investigate the situation completly.  As was obvious when she said "oh it was used on the 12th".  Um that's TODAY you IDIOT!!  And the other thing, how in the heck could I have a used coupon when you keep them after you scan them!! Does that make any sense!!
Ugh. anyways, this has made me feel better about the situation.  So I will continue to watch the rest of this movie which I rented for FREE with my UNUSED coupon. 
Dear stupid Blockbuster lady,

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My first post from my app!!

As you read in my title, this is my first post from my blog app!! This makes it much easier to post from my phone. Oh and by the way, if you are reading this from your phone, I enabled the mobile view of my blog so that when you visit the website its easier to read :). 

Right now I am sitting at baristas waiting for my best fran so i can go get my tattoo!! I'm very excited.

I was reading in TIME magazine an article about internet hacking yesterday.  It surprised me how much hacking goes on these days.  And the major hackers even have names like the corporations they hack!!  There is one group of hackers who are kind of like a robin hood group.  They hack into corporations to show them where their weak spots are.  For example, right after the play stationnetwork got running again, they hacked into all of sony's websites. But officials are afraid that the few groups like this will start to turn malicious like the rest of the hackers in the world.  These groups are so good at what they do that they can even hack into our governmant agencies. And they have!! There is a whole world of hacking as well. Its like a business. There are people who provide and do certain things of the hacking operation. There are even help lines. This is what makes it difficult to pinpoint someone becausevso many differnt people are involved.  But obviously this is very much a problem. Its scary that the very world that we couldnt wait to rush into, the internet, might be our downfall.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ready, Set, Go!!

haha hi.
Well, I am starting this blog for two reasons.  One: I was talking to my Grandma this morning and we were talking about blogs when I decided, why not?  Two: my wonderful aunt who lives out of state told me that she never knows what's going on in my life.  Well now you will auntie!!!
(Although I have a feeling that if some family members start reading this *cough cough Gaboo* i may get made fun of!)

Today I start my manager classes for Mickey D's! Not exactly my dream job, but hey, I'm guaranteed 40 hours a week and I get a raise and in this economy, what more could an 18-year-old girl ask for? I feel strangely nervous about going to the class.  It's not that I don't think I will do well.  I'm good at managing people and know my way around McDonald's unfortunately well.  But I thought I was starting these classes NEXT Thursday, when all of a sudden yesterday I find out that I start them today!  I feel like I haven't mentally prepared myself for this haha.  But the sooner I start to make more money, the more I can save to help me pay for college!  lol kind of a boring goal but ya! wooo!!! 

Oh one last thing, I'm going to get a tattoo on Saturday and here's what it looks like!

My best friend drew that :)

Anyways, that's all for today!