Saturday, July 9, 2011

My first post from my app!!

As you read in my title, this is my first post from my blog app!! This makes it much easier to post from my phone. Oh and by the way, if you are reading this from your phone, I enabled the mobile view of my blog so that when you visit the website its easier to read :). 

Right now I am sitting at baristas waiting for my best fran so i can go get my tattoo!! I'm very excited.

I was reading in TIME magazine an article about internet hacking yesterday.  It surprised me how much hacking goes on these days.  And the major hackers even have names like the corporations they hack!!  There is one group of hackers who are kind of like a robin hood group.  They hack into corporations to show them where their weak spots are.  For example, right after the play stationnetwork got running again, they hacked into all of sony's websites. But officials are afraid that the few groups like this will start to turn malicious like the rest of the hackers in the world.  These groups are so good at what they do that they can even hack into our governmant agencies. And they have!! There is a whole world of hacking as well. Its like a business. There are people who provide and do certain things of the hacking operation. There are even help lines. This is what makes it difficult to pinpoint someone becausevso many differnt people are involved.  But obviously this is very much a problem. Its scary that the very world that we couldnt wait to rush into, the internet, might be our downfall.

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